Ammani — a genuine voice in Tamil Cinema
“The film is really good” he said to me later, as we walked out after the show, “It opened yesterday and we had three shows. They were all empty. So I thought I’ll check it out today. But, it’s really good film.”

Mahanagar and Abataranika: Adapting story to film
I believe a faithful adaptation is one that captures the soul of the original work and can choose to leave out any details that don’t add to it. I can see that Ray is a master at this.

Brazil – The Perfect Dystopia
Could there be a better depiction of dystopia than Brazil? Difficult to say.

Kabali – Second Innings
I liked Kabali better the second time. Several scenes which felt odd and choppy the first time, felt a lot more coherent the second time around.

Watching Kabali at Golden Mile Singapore
As I sat in the 1000-seats capacity Golden Mile theatre in Singapore on the midnight of 21st July, there were mixed feelings.

Johnny – Mahendran
This film made me wonder about the death of idealistic characters in today’s cinema and the death of a certain kind of drama.

Andha Naal
There’s a terrific scene in which there’s a university debate to decide if students must boycott college during the independence struggle.

Not Ghatham ghatham: Or Why Baba deserves a second chance
Watching the film was a magical experience for me.

Memories of Murder
It was showing us how the investigators (and thereby the audience) cannot help but bring in their own stereotypes and draw their own narratives around the crime.